Black Brazil

The largest population of African descent outside of Africa is found in Brazil. And the reach goes far beyond Bahia. Never, ever forget...where we are. |
2) But law number 10.639/03 isn't enforced. Inspired by the #1619project @TiagoRogero launched a series of podcasts on Afro-Brazilian history. A timely project on the eve of November, Black consciousness month in Brazil. Check it out #slaveryarchive
— Ana Lucia Araujo, PhD (@araujohistorian) October 6, 2022
‘A story Brazil never wanted to tell’: the podcasts reclaiming the country’s black history
Tiago Rogero’s productions are a celebration of the people who arrived in the country as slaves and their descendants

projeto Querino
O projeto Querino mostra como a História explica o Brasil de hoje. Uma história que talvez você ainda não tenha ouvido, lido ou visto.

'Despite the country’s marker as a “racial democracy,” racism and prejudice still persist in Brazil, often violently and with deadly consequences.' via @africasacountry
— BlackStudies at Duke (@DukeAAAS) October 6, 2022