For Liberation

Virtual Event: December 1, 2022 |
From Black Freedom Studies /
Featuring the discussants Drs. Kabria Baumgartner, Christopher Bonastia, Michael Hines, and Brian Jones, this Conversation will be moderated by the co-organizers of the Conversations in Black Freedom Studies series, Robyn Spencer and Jeanne Theoharis.
Conversations in Black Freedom Studies is supported is supported by the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture and the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center.

Conversations in Black Freedom Studies is a monthly roundtable discussion at the Schomburg Center with authors and experts in Black history. Held on the first Thursday of every month from 6:30-8:30pm, these conversations focus on a theme --from the Jim Crow North to the Black Panther Party, from educational inequality to the Black Arts Movement. They are geared for New York City teachers, parents, students, scholars, activists, and policy-makers. Black Freedom Studies has introduced a new paradigm for research and scholarship on the long Black revolt, challenging older conceptions of geography, leadership, ideology, culture and chronology to deepen popular understandings of the scope of the Black freedom struggle. With the closing of a number of black bookstores, there are fewer spaces where a diversity of people can gather to hear and discuss new scholarship in African American history. CBFS aims to begin to fill that need. | LEARN MORE.