Slave Trading in the Spanish and British Atlantic Worlds

Event: June 2 - June 3 (2023) | This two-day conference brings together a diverse group of leading scholars of the slave trade in the British and Spanish Empires in an effort to provoke further conversation, collaboration, and innovation in the field. Participants include Kevin Dawson, Ana Lucia Araujo, Sharla Fett, Evelyne Laurent-Perrault, Manuel Covo, and Brett Rushforth, among others.
From the Huntington Library and Museum /
"Since an English privateer's seizure of African captives on a Portuguese vessel bound for Spanish America redirected "20 and odd negroes" to British North America in 1619, Spain and Britain forged a complex and shifting relationship over the trans-Atlantic slave trade. In the last decade, demographic and statistical innovations generated by Slave Voyages: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database (and its new companion, the Intra-American Slave Trade Database) have dramatically reinvigorated and altered the study of the Atlantic slave trade, highlighting the centrality of the British and Spanish Atlantic worlds therein. With generous support from the Huntington Library in San Marino, CA, this two-day conference will bring together a diverse group of leading scholars of the slave trade in the Spanish and British Empires, all of whom are based in the United States and the United Kingdom, to provoke further conversation, collaboration, and innovation." | REGISTER HERE.