RECOLLECT/Media is dedicated to the study and celebration of Pan-African history and culture. To our dismay, the varied and complex experiences of people of African descent, both historically and presently, continue to be underappreciated and remain, even now, insufficiently regarded and recognized. RECOLLECT/Media addresses this deficiency with an overdue and original slate of platforms, events, and endeavors, each designed to honor and engage the global Pan-African community. Never forget. Never, ever forget...who we are.

Never forget. Never, ever foget...who we are.
"My name is B. Francis Clark and I am a product of the African slave trade. I’m also the product of the preeminent scholars in the field of Africana studies. As a student at Berkeley and UCLA, I had the privilege of learning from the best of the best, including Ron Takaki, Harry Edwards, Richard Yarborough, Brenda Stevenson, Robert Hill, Cheryl Keyes, Barbara Christian, Boniface Obichere, Negussay Ayele, Scot Brown, and so many more. The RECOLLECT podcast is a tribute to them, and to all the flame keepers and engravers who are doing the work of revealing and preserving our unique human story. Marcus Garvey said that a people without the knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots. That we must never be. So I invite you to join me as we give our full attention to the biography of black people, as unearthed by the authors and historians who are literally excavating and uplifting and upholding the truth of our collective sojourn. This is how we recollect."
Remember where we're going...
SKY IS BLACK is a Pan-African, future-facing platform, amplifying the voices and efforts of Blacks in business, science, education, the arts, technology, medicine, A.I., and venture capital. To learn more, visit

ANTON ANDERSON is a technology consultant with decades of experience helping business owners make better technology decisions, often as a fractional CTO or CIO. He is the principal of Productivity Consulting, and lately has been working with developer teams across the globe leading initiatives with Kiza Solutions. Anton has a degree in Computer Science and Visual Arts from Dartmouth College. Based in Southern California, when he is not helping translate geek to everyday speak, Anton is an avid cook, a loving husband, and a father of two.
B. FRANCIS CLARK is an entrepreneur, tech enthusiast, and very proud father. Bernard graduated from Berkeley and UCLA and remains a lifelong student of Pan-African history and culture. His extensive professional experience includes work with HBO, Warner Brothers, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, National Public Radio, Don Buchwald and Associates, Executive Service Corps, and the National Association of Television Program Executives. Bernard was Editor-in-Chief of Save the Date Magazine, Senior Creative for APPLE, and Program Director for the original, historic BLACKS IN TECHNOLOGY Conference.
The taste of who we are.
As a result of both immigration and the trans-Atlantic slave trade, people of African descent reside all over the world. Not surprisingly, the culinary contributions and experiences of the global Pan-African community are varied, multi-twined, and complex. This new, annual, and international festival will celebrate the tastes, flavors, dishes, and traditions that have emerged from this cultural maelstrom. This is how we recollect.

“I have longed to see a Pan-African Food Festival for more than twenty years. Ever since I was a student at UC Berkeley, I have wanted to experience, at least once in my life, and in one sitting, all of the Pan-African dishes and delights that, prior to my arrival, I had never even heard of, let alone tasted. Growing up in Pasadena, California, I sadly and only rarely ventured beyond places like Panda Express, In ‘N’ Out, and California Pizza Kitchen. Truthfully, it wasn’t until I was a freshman at Cal that I experienced food from places like Ethiopia and Cuba and Morocco for the very first time. As you can imagine, I’ve been hungering and thirsting and dreaming of more ever since…
Shortly after retuning to Los Angeles, I inwardly decided I would produce the festival, but since then, have been very successfully procrastinating, saying, “I’ll do it as soon as I reach this. As soon as I finish and accomplish that.” Well, if I’m not careful, I’ll be the one finished and this historic feast will never happen…
So the good news is: I am no longer procrastinating! Due to the pandemic and its injected wisdom, I am no longer waiting to do anything. More than ever, I know the time to do everything and e’rything is right now. And so, after more than two decades, I am fully embracing the daunting privilege of manifesting a signature culinary celebration, the likes of which the world has never known. The Pan-African Food Festival aspires to be a global, ongoing cultural buffet in honor of the heritage and history of the worldwide African family – and I can’t wait!
Realistically, it’s probably going to take a few iterations to fully realize the vision, but my hope is that within a few years, the Pan-African Food Festival will become a can’t miss/must attend event on your annual calendar. In all likelihood, there will be some setbacks, but in the end, I am more than confident that you’ll soon be able to experience what’s been on my heart and soul for far too long. Regardless of the obstacles, I will continue to be empowered and propelled by the simple reality that this bitter journey of a thousand years, and a few short decades, ultimately concludes with one last step: making it happen.”
Ujamaa is just the beginning...
Year of Ujamaa is the sibling platform for SKY IS BLACK, and the experiential foundation for our Money Moves mission.